Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mosiah 27:35-37

"And they traveled throughout all the land of Zarahemla, and among all the people who were under the reign of king Mosiah, zealously striving to repair all the injuries which they had done to the church, confessing all their sins, and publishing all the things which they had seen, and explaining the prophecies and the scriptures to all who desired to hear them.

And thus they were instruments in the hands of God in bringing many to the knowledge of  truth, yea, to the knowledge of their Redeemer.

And how blessed are they! For they did publish peace; they did publish good tidings of good; and they did declare unto the people that the Lord reigneth."

Alma and the sons of Mosiah were wickedly destroying the church. In answer to many prayers, they were visited by an angel of the Lord. After this visitation they realized their wickedness and truly repented and came unto Christ. They did not stop there though! They went throughout the land and fixed the wrongs they did. They became peacemakers as they published the peace of the gospel. It is so wonderful how we can change and become more and more like the Savior. No matter our background.

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